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Packed vegetable in Iranian market
Packed vegetable in Iranian market

Packed vegetable in Iranian market

No one is bored with greens and everyone is looking for ready-made packages. Green packaging does not have a lot of troubles, but it has huge profits. Vegetable packaging has different steps from beginning to end, and this process is carried out to the customer's every stage,

and the resulting product is delivered to the customer. The Taiwanese have an interesting economic slogan: "Every home is a factory and every factory is a house!" This slogan was first designed with the goal of developing small business homes. They stepped up their small businesses with simple product processing. Things like making jam or home-made dishes. This simple and practical model can earn a lot of us as a home business or even a second job.
In recent years, with the increase in the number of occupants and families, most of them prefer to use processed products. For example, at the moment there is less family-mindedness, they buy sugar for use, and grind it at home, or buy a lot of small or dried vegetables.
The same thing creates the right job opportunities. Previously, families bought only herbs and then cleaned them, but they shattered it to these grubbing centers, paying for a certain amount per kilo, but now the situation is different and these centers Lonely and with a greasy business, you cannot earn for living and need to change yourself according to the circumstances of the day. Now, if you are also one of the suppliers of these types of products, it's not a good idea to give a brief look at this report to learn more about its details.
200 Tomans to clean each kilo of vegetable
Entrepreneur Karjey says: "My previous job was to build the door of the house, but with the stagnation of the building, we slept and we had no other good market." Since I was familiar with my home-grown business with my brother, I decided to clean her vegetables and start grinding vegetables. We broke up the workshop in the year 93 with my brother, who had been crushing the grocery store in the past. This work requires great care because it is related to the health of the community.
We do our wash thoroughly with great care that the vegetables are healthy and not leachate. Currently, my wife and brother and my brother's friend help me in my work, and in total 15 people are in the workshop. My brother and I are responsible for the purchase of vegetables. At two o'clock in the morning, we will go to Tehran's fruit and vegetable market and buy vegetables and bring them to the workshop. We start to wash the vegetables until the rest of the forces are reached.
The ladies are 10 people who are the heads of their families and work at the workshops and have good earnings. For each kilogram of vegetable cleanse, I give women 200 rubles, which usually cleans women for between 130 and 150 kilos a day, and earns a million dollars per month. I'm going to make my own washing machine. I also designed the map.
Planning sales wants to start with market knowledge
"We did the market research, and we managed to contract with 100 stores, and we started to sell vegetable products before we started selling and commissioning the workshop," said the active resistor economist, pointing to the role of sales planning. Provide them. Anyone intending to start doing this should start by knowing the market and recognize the need for the market. The market is good, especially early in the year, it's much better, but now it's been down because revenue has dropped a lot, and of course we've got a better way to grow cleaner vegetable workshops and fewer sales. We need to increase our production and negotiate with more stores to buy products. I started with 10 million, and at least 10 million were needed to start this arena. It's hard work, but it does have a lot of trouble. It really has to be time to do this. Loan building mobilization can also be a good way to start operating in the realm of resilient economics. I received 10 million loans from the mobilization of the construction, but I need more capital to expand my job and make more profit.
How to sell
Before you start to think about selling pay attention to one important point which is try to have order before production. This is especially important for producers of more corrosive materials such as chopped vegetables or fruit chips, but there are several ways to sell for sale. The most important option is negotiating with your supermarket. The next option is Internet sales. By creating personalized pages, you can advertise for your products or you can supply your products directly by installing a few ads on the street of your place of residence. In your ad, put the supply price directly in the middle of your ad so that your neighborhoods will be encouraged to buy directly from you intermediaries.
Consider special services for customers
Hezbollah adds: After your customers recognize your account, expand your ads. You can even consider special services for your specific customers. This service can include home delivery. To begin, do this in a specific area. You can even take advantage of a small grinding machine and move the device to the front of the customer's home and do the service locally. This must first be done in a specific area where the cost of doing it is cost-effective for you. Another part of your service can be to send ready-made greens. Your advertising slogan can be the convenience of customers. They can help you safely sit at home and get your own groceries at home.