Breakfast is one of the most important daily meals. Among the foods consumed in this promise, cheese is the most consumed. In a country like Iran, where dairy consumption is occurring in cities and villages in various ways, cheese is consumed as a main food for breakfast with a variety of breads.
About 97% of people in the community are likely to use cheese.
But what's happening here is that which of the different types of cheeses produced in different flavors and forms is most often chosen by consumers, and has it been able to make the taste of Iranian consumers tasteful and packaged? In Iran, dairy companies have been able to market diverse products, and competition between credible brands is also high. However, it's seen that the price of dairy products is increasing and sometimes their quality is not enough to keep all social classes happy and willing to use them. White cheese is the most consumed by about 65%. After white cheese, lychee cheese and cream cheese are the most consumed.
61% of all cheese consumers are people who have consumed cheese at least once a day, and about 33% of people who eat 2 or 3 times a week or at least once a week, and about 6% except for the low-consumption group They consume 2 or 3 times a month or at least once a month. The statistics indicate that most people from Iran have high cheeses brands such as Pegah, Kale, Dairy farmers, Pak.
Typically, cheese consumers are those who have less loyalty to a single brand and often use two brands in the same period of time, which means that they easily replace the brand as a second or vice versa. The hat, daily, and shepherd brands are mostly used in the social category AB.
Conclusion is that: It seems that given the fact that cheese such as other dairy products is produced in the villages of the country, it is therefore one of the main products of rural communities. On the other hand, the taste of dairy is shaped by the culture of society. Due to the large number of cheese brands in Iran, there seems to be no room for breakfast cheeses to enter foreign brands. The entry of foreign cheese brands will only succeed if it takes into account the cultural issues and taste of the Iranian people and, on the other hand, due to the high prices of foreign brands, is the most suitable target group for these brands of the AB category of society, which has a different lifestyle and tastes Other classes of society.
The city of Taleghan is located in a large valley between the Alborz mountains and 90 km from Karaj. Taleghan Although there are numerous tourist attractions such as the famous Taleghan Dam, Shahroud River, hot springs, waterfalls and beautiful nature, many people of Iran know Taleghan for their tasteful and unique dairy. Taleghan cheese is more famous among all kinds of high quality and tasty dairy products.
Local cheese is actually the grandfather of all Iranian cheeses and is made in a traditional way and has a lot of fans. Most of these cheeses are molded in the form of a dough chin, and since it is wrapped in cloth to be dewatered, it has a rubber texture, and sometimes it appears on the fabric. Local cheese has a mild taste and, as compared to other cheeses, it has more water in its tissue, which is why it is rich in soluble vitamins such as B and C. This cheese is very fat because it is made from whole milk.
The city of Taleghan is one of the main centers of dairy production in the country due to its wide range of quality ranges. In Taleghan, 60 dairy and cheese factories are active, and 400 of them are in these workshops. Taleghan, with an annual production of 640 tons of traditional cheese, is one of the main pillars of local cheese production in the country.
Mehrdad Sadeghian, a successful cheese producer and exporter in the city of Taleghan, has been active in the field for more than 30 years. "Taleghan has a mountainous nature, and therefore the agricultural land in this area is low," he said about the cause of the cultivars' tendency to produce dairy products and their success. Instead, Taleghan ranges create a great deal of talent for livestock and sheep. For this reason, the predecessors of livestock farming have been strong in the distant past. In the years since there was no possibility of long-term milk storage, the people turned milk into cheese, whey, and oil to use in other seasons of the year, and sold these products in big cities like Tehran. This process has turned Taleghan into a local grade of locally produced cheese. Ramak, a dairy manufacturer and ice cream maker, has produced videos for its advertising campaign, which can be considered as successful and principled videos in the video marketing strategy of the company.
We should consider that not only video marketing in Iran has a lot of great potentials, but also, podcast marketing can help new or old brands to come up with better sales out of Iranian market. Advertising in Iran has to be perfect because of a number of reasons due to hard compatible market.