Having the most resources and raw materials required by the glass industry, Iranian market has the smallest share in the global business of this lucrative industry, and never in the macroeconomic planning and attitudes of the Iranian economy for marketing in Iran, which has a very long history in Iranian market. During the last years, domestic industry has not been in line with the global developments in the industry.
Glass and crystal of Iran are among the goods that are exuberant in the presence of unofficial free trade for marketing in Iran, and also they are imported from different countries of the East and West, and the domestic market of glass, crystal, Japanese, French, Austrian etc. saturated and has a beneficial market.
The truth is that, Iranian market has the world's richest and cheapest raw materials, but there has never been a fundamental investment in this industry for marketing in Iran, and the production of glass has traditionally been impractical, with non-machine tools, and The reason for the high value added and relative domestic market has not been much tougher to raise the level of technology of this industry, and as a result, not only did we not achieve the global market, but also the domestic market, did not trust the Iranian products in the past.
In recent years, there have been a number of significant investments in the glass industry in Iranian market and by a good advertising in Iran glass industry van be beneficial. The donor is that the vision of this industry is very clear in Iran, and foreign manufacturers have come up with an advertisement of our comparative advantage and investment observation, and they have special account to compete with domestic producers or to invest in investments due to marketing in Iran have opened. Meanwhile, the role of the government as the largest supporting institution for the private sector will be decisive, and it is not meant for support, payment of cash and facilities, but the elimination of obstacles in the industry that will keep any industry from continuing down will give up his way by a good research in Iranian market.
The History of the Glass
Pliny, the great Roman historian, attributes the discovery of glass to a group of Phoenician seamen. According to historians, these seafarers were forced to light the fire on coasts to cook, but the stone pieces that put their cooking utensils on them, because of this, they were fragments of alkali or natural juice of sodium carbonate for mummies Carrying corpses out of the boat, they used to build bases for their containers. When these alkali particles were heat-treated, they were mixed with sand, and eventually an unknown fluid was flowing into a thin atmosphere of air, which, according to Pliny, was the primary form of the glass.
After the discovery of glass, the glass was used by human beings in its various forms. Today, glass is one of the most widely used materials for making manmade artifacts, especially in delicate things, and basically the work that deals with taste and art.
Glass can be used to make telescope mirrors, mirrors that can be as large as a tennis court, or small and simple mushrooms for children playing, glass for making dishes and bulb bubbles. The glass makes it clear in sight and can be mirrored with it and give meaning to life, and also allows human beings to look at the most obscure angles of their faces, as it allows the inside or outside of one thing Let's see Glass is used for beauty in the view of high-rise buildings.
The glass is a cover for the windows that we separate by the shadows of our private lives from the outside. The use of this adaptive material to various industries has expanded significantly in the light of technological advances in Iranian market, for example:
- Fiber optics, which now has more than 8 million miles of telephony and video over the world.
- Glass ceramics, which are used in the nose of the missiles and the crown of the tooth.
Basically glass with many unique features, such as: easy plasticity, transparency, long durability,
The relatively low price has led to the expansion of new costs, due to the same characteristics as William. R Prindle, director of the Corning Glass Technology Group, Corning, New York, said: "Glass will have an undeniable role in the growth of communications, information and industry in the future." In a word, the glass is the best choice for those industries that need a thin crystal liquid crystal image lamp or thin film to build their computer and television systems.
The evolution and growth of the glass industry in Iranian market
The discovery of long-neck bottles that had been blocked by silver, in the 12th century, glassware manufacturing facilities in Neyshabur indicate the acceleration of the glass industry in the early Islamic era of marketing in Iran, which gradually wreaked the path of decline in Italy by the boom in the glass industry in Italy. It proceeded until the seventeenth century. Since then, the boom and rebuilding of the industry have started to re-start, and it has been a huge acceleration thanks to the Iranian skills in stained glass. Among them, it is possible to create a variety of glass products from stamping to pots, bottles etc. In Shiraz, Isfahan and Qom the twelfth and eighteenth centuries was the most active era for marketing in Iran. But since then, the lack of government and the government's negligence has led to the collapse of the glass industry in Iranian market.