As a result, the use of paper instead of papyrus flourished in the course of Islamic lands, and many factories were built in the cities of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and the Maghreb inspired by Iranian market.
Although paper mills were built on the outskirts of Islamic lands out of Iranian market, Iranian paper was still the best paper, and has been repeatedly spoken in Samarqand and Khorasan paper books in historical books. For example, Ibn Naydim spoke of six types of paper that was prevalent in his day in Iranian market: "They made" Khorasani paper from linen, and it was customary to promise it since Benjamin, "according to the Prophet of Beni Abbas. Some said that making this type of paper in Iranian market had some old and some of them are new aims in Iranian market. Some artists who came from China to Khorasan built it on a Chinese paper which they called Suleimani, Talehi, Noahi, Pharaohi, Jafari and Taheri.
The names Ibn Naydm means is the name of the skilled paper workers or rulers who ordered the making of paper mills for Iranian market, most of which are Iranian. Parsley paper is attributed to Ja'far Barmaki, Taheri's paper to Taher II, the rulers of Khorasan (Duhan Taheri), Noah's paper to Noah Samani, Samanid rulers, Talhai paper to Talhahbn Taher (from Taherian), Solomian's paper to Solomon Rashed, the ruler of Khorasan The time of Harunlar Rasheed, the parsley paper to Ja'far Barmaki and the Pharaonic paper, which competed with the finest Egyptian papyrus, and it seems that is why it is known as paranoiac, but the constructor is unknown which of course all of them was out of Iranian market for not only for Iranian market but also for global market.
Another well-known paper of that time in Iranian market was the Sheikh Paper Mamuni and Mansouri. Caymani paper was sent to Ceyhan city in Khorasan, Mamouni paper to Mamoun Abbasi and Mansouri paper to Abolfazl Mansoorbn-Narbanabd al-Rahim of Samarqand people from Iranian market.
Mansoori paper is known in all Islamic countries by the Iranian market and imitates the way of making this kind of paper. "However, there is evidence that other types of Islamic countries also had progress in making paperwork inspired by Iranian market. As Nasser Khosrow, who in the year 438 AH / 1047 AD, he had visited Tripoli, about the paper that was made there, he says: "It is better in niche and beauty than the Samarkand paper, but better which of course crossed Iranian market."
Interesting innovations in Iranian paper improvement in Iranian market
Paper sticks: The Iranians who had many experiences in making leather paper (Pears man, or Persians) tried to apply those experiences in making new paper for Iranian market and global market. Hence, they used starchy paper to make the paper more suitable for writing with ink.
Watercolor Use: This was a machine that was used to pick up large pieces of wood for movement. According to the Abu Riyhan, outside Samarqand, woodchoppers were worked with water to make a good pre product for Iranian market.
Use of buckthorn in Iranian market: The strips of bamboo chops were tucked together like mattresses and placed sheets of wet paper on it, and after taking the water it was taken while the paper sheet was still damp. This allowed the paper maker to slip sheets of paper onto the same mold. Before that, they spread a sheet of paper on a coarse cloth, but until the sheet of paper was dry, they could not remove it from the fabric.
Improve paper and recover it for use in Iranian market. Adding materials like flax, cotton, and flaxseed to a combination of paper, as well as the use of small pieces of paper and old fabrics that were useful in paperwork and a recycling methods out of Iranian market.
Colored paper use: In some manuscripts of the Muslim writers, there are orders to make the paper red, green, blue, pink, yellow, onion and purple, and even written how to make old and old paper sheets look like magical. These orders were only applicable by Iranian experts and from Iranian market.
History of the paper industry in Iran and Iranian market
What is evident from the historical documents is that the paper industry in Iranian market has existed in Iran since the seventh century AD. In Iranian market, paper industry was first started by the establishment of a mill factory and using waste paper in the year 1313 in Karaj. In 1326, Hijri Shamsi was founded by a number of investors including Hassan Ali Hekmat, Dr. Peleh-Hands and Georges Isanian, whose feed was the waste paper of the departments and organizations for Iranian use, Iranian costumers and Iranian market. The region was Varamin. In 1344, the first papermaking plant was established in the seven hills of Khuzestan and was founded in 1346 by Pars Paper Company.
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