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Worldwide Medical Equipment Market Research Compared to Iranian Market Research
Worldwide Medical Equipment Market Research Compared to Iranian Market Research

Worldwide Medical Equipment Market Research Compared to Iranian Market Research

Medical equipment market research; According to the announced statistics from international associations and marketing department of Iran Marketing Park, medical projects and medical research have the highest number of market researches both in terms of price and market research in Iran and around the world.
Marketing Research of the Iranian Marketing Park, has repeatedly conducted research on the medical equipment brand, saying: The term FMCG is an abbreviation of Fast Moving Consumer Good, meaning "fast-moving goods".

In the business and industry, the term refers to commodities that are consumed daily and have a shorter history, including food, health, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in Iranian market.
Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) with a short-term consumption date in the business world, with the largest volume of market research as compared to market research on medical equipment for marketing in Iran is vast. Iranian market research team has noted that in the past three years since international sanctions have begun, in Iran, international medical companies have begun to carry out very extensive projects in the field of medical supplies market research, but it should be noted that The sanctions do not include the import of medical equipment, but it is apparent that market research in Iran and its projects for non-medical commodities are unreasonably decreasing.
Of course, due to the cultural structure and high consumption of cosmetics, sanitary and detergents, in line with medical research market research projects, the largest volume of market research is in Iran. It should be noted that the group of goods related to Washers have the largest volume of research projects for marketing in Iran.
As well as Iranian market research team, according to market research conducted on cosmetics in Iran, it came clear that Iranian cosmetics companies produce 10 to 15 market research projects in Iranian market throughout the country over a year. Of course, most of these market research projects are expensive because of the high cost of doing business in not only in Iranian market but also in global market too, while the number of market research firms in the cosmetics industry, which has a large share of Iranian market for these products In Iran, they are 100 times better.
Iranian market research team adds: In Iranian market, around 30 research projects are operating in this field every year. If the market research in Iran adds other health products such as detergents and health care, the number of these market research projects will be about 350 projects, which is very low compared to the market research projects of the producing countries around the world.
The Iranian medical equipment market is based on the knowledge gained by knowledge-based companies, which is the first day of science and technology, and as such, the Vice President of Science and Technology of the Presidency is also a special subsidy and facility for investment enthusiasts. This field is considered. The presence in industrial cities and the acquisition of land and niches in the long run and with long-term installments are among other possibilities that the government offers investors in this area.
According to Iranian market research team, quoting today's opportunity, Iran's vast populated market and its location in a special geographic area, which most of its neighbors do not enjoy a special scientific advantage, have provided numerous opportunities for investment, product development and export of products to various countries.
The report examines Iranian market, based on available statistics, the words of the members of the Medical Equipment Association and the opinions of the Chairman of the Association of Distributors, examined the opportunities for investment, production, exports, capital requirements and the introduction of licensing organizations.
Multi-million dollar export
Currently, there are many legal and illegal imports on the Iranian market. According to the head of the Food and Drug Administration, 60% of medical supplies are imported in Iran and are available for marketing in Iran. They also pointed to the penetration of traffickers into the medical equipment market, which, according to the controls, has largely mitigated the role of smugglers due to marketing in Iran with or without advertising in Iran.
The deputy minister of health also referred to the market for medical equipment worth 5 billion dollars, saying that there are many knowledge-based companies operating in Iranian market, and in order to support these companies and the old producers of this field, we have considered a lot of obstacles for import. We've controlled this to some extent.
Although markets continue to complain of poor quality products, imports that impede the growth of domestic production, while domestic production even has export capacities and, for example, more than $ 30 million in 1993 Exports from this area show an increase of 30% compared to the previous year. According to Iranian market research team during the past year, the demand for launching the production unit in this market has increased by 40%.
Importation of non-lethal medical equipment in Iranian market takes place when the goods are directly concerned with the health of the community and Iranian costumers. If the above-mentioned cases are taken seriously by the Deputy Minister of Health and fully operational, then perhaps a health referral to the Iranian community could be hoped which is happily getting there. The identification of medical equipment distributors is another good news item in this field, which creates many hopes especially for producers and investors that are seeking opportunities for marketing in Iran.