Corporate housing market activists / Specialization, way out of the crisis Building quality
The low average life expectancy of Iranian buildings is a problem that all executive agencies faced in previous years, and despite all the actions that have taken place,
what still happens in Iranian market is far from world standards.
While many buildings in the developed countries have maintained their habitability for several decades, it would be possible for them to consider rebuilding their lifetime, but many buildings in Iranian market, on their 20th to 30th year of efficiency lose their stamina, and destruction and rebuilding are the only way to keep them working.
In addition, the use of building safety practices has been emphasized, but has never been able to match what the developed countries have been thinking about. If the problems of energy dissipation in Iranian homes are added to these dilemmas, the difficult path to reach global standards is more than ever.
The main action to deal with these conditions has been the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, in partnership with the municipalities and the engineering organization, and the use of national building regulations to increase regulatory capability has been attempted to find a suitable way to increase the life of Iranian buildings for marketing in Iran and also some foreign markets such as Iraq, Pakistan and so on.
Although these methods directly affect construction, in the short term it can reduce some concerns in this area, but perhaps the main way out of these conditions is to use the experience of foreign countries out of marketing in Iran.
Contrary to the Iranian market, which is still considered to be the main cast of the traditional home builders, in many developed countries, specialized building companies in the field of housing construction take on the first stages of designing the map to the final exploitation, and even in many the plans also take care of the maintenance of the buildings.
The success of this international experience is guaranteed from a number of perspectives. On the one hand, these companies receive the necessary technical and vocational licenses to begin their activities, and specialists are working on construction projects. On the other hand, identifying the company's final product and the need for the organization to maintain its markets guarantees the quality of construction, and urban insurance guarantees the fulfillment of obligations, something that does not, like, happen in Iranian market or experiences are much limited.
Building insurance is the solution
An expert on civil engineering and urban planning believes that issues related to the quality of construction in Iranian market will not be solved except by the specialization of the construction process, and this will continue with the current procedure to an unknown future.
Abolhassan Miramadi, in an interview with "TOT" stated: "Unfortunately, in the Iranian housing market, more than highly specialized and educated people traditional building constructers by experience are active. This is a huge problem because they are not up to date and they are not familiar with the new ways and new rules of constructing industry for marketing in Iran.
According to him, it is hard to make any definite talks about the achievement of the ambitious targets until the issue of the presence of people and of course the construction companies are not taken place.
Miramadi also explained how these companies operate: When it comes to the establishment of these companies, there will definitely be a need to issue licenses that will guarantee quality work and obtain these licenses, with the sole discretion.
In addition, by activating companies, it will be possible for buildings to be covered by insurance, which will, on the one hand, facilitate buyers' imagination and, on the other hand, will force builders to provide a quality that if not It will not be possible to receive insurance.
Ehsan Rajabi, an expert on the Iranian housing market, said in an interview with the "TOT" that what is currently the most important is the passage of the Iranian market from traditional to modern. Although some modern materials have been developed over the past years, in practice our market is still traditionally managed.
Referring to a large number of educated people in the civil zone, he said: "By establishing conditions for the work of experts in the field instead of traditional people, they can be expected to increase the level of employment of these individuals and ultimately by combining their knowledge with The empirical power of long years of housing market can be expected to be the ultimate outcome.
According to the expert in the house marketing in Iran, if the specialized companies are to build, it would be expected that even after the operation, the supervision of each set would be the responsibility of the constructive companies. One of the reasons that reduce the life of a building in Iran is the maintenance of non-standard buildings, and this can also control this factor.
Despite the fact that over the past years the government has been trying to activate specialized institutions in the field of construction, it has strengthened the intensive negotiations with mass-makers and the provision of facilities for industrialization, but the strong pull-out of the traditional look at the housing market has caused Iran vastly unlike many countries, it is important to develop this industry. The industry, which reaches the global standards, will also open the way to many other economic sectors out of marketing in Iran, in order to reach their major development goals.