Based on figures reported by related authorities, the share of domestic paper products from the market of billions of products in the country is less than 5%, with 75% of the market share allocated to China, and the rest of the contribution to products are from Turkey, Indonesia, India and Malaysia.
Undoubtedly, most of us, especially the 50s, who were born in the 1950s, had a painting experience with their mosquitoes or other famous brands in their education or childhood, and a group inside their memories box sometimes occasionally reviewed this nostalgic experience by taking these pencils over and over again.
Buying a tractor and its accessories is a significant investment that should be obsessed with. For example, a small, low-cost tractor for a relatively large farm would involve long hours for the farmer, In addition lagging at the time of harvesting and the ship that small tractors will cause significant problems on the ground.
Sales director of the LG home appliances department said that after the withdrawal from the United States, we have been facing business problems with Iran, but the business we have in the Iranian market is very important to us. For this reason, with the help of our business partners in Iran,
The Iranian market is one of the best places to sell electronic products in the world, which has always attracted new brands. One of the most strategic and products on the market is Apple's products. According to the Organization for the Suppression of Smuggling of Goods and Currency,
Romance sells; love continues to buy in Iran Book Market. He wants a popular translation of passionate love in a coastal city in the U.K or a lovely romance from a martyr defender of the shrine. The first rank of best sellers of the autumn project in the compilation section belongs to the book,
In the field of translation books, which is the first of three first places of interest, the fact that the first three best-sellers in the translation section come from three different domains is not unusual, it is not surprising that it was ranked first in the so-called romance fiction book in the field of fiction literature.
The works of foreign authors have always been popular among Iranians throughout history. From the Qajar period and translation of classical works such as "Three Musketeers" and "Cont.