What is Brand localization?

According to AF, Iran is the 65th country among the 80 countries practiced in the world about people domination in English, that’s why this subject focuses more on the importance of brand naming and brand localizing for Iranian market.
Brand localizing is brand matching with the target language or culture of a particular country or region, which will result in better contact and faster connection with the brand, as a result the company, will achieve its goals much more easier and quicker.

  • The advantages of localization of the brand include the following lines:
  • More efficient and faster Communication
  • Use of cultural backgrounds for further influences
  • Competitive advantage over rivals who have been thrilled about this significant
  • Creating a higher level of costumers’ satisfaction

What do we do?

  1. Providing advices based on research and studies on localization of your brand for marketing in Iran.
  2. Providing solutions in brand localizing for Iranian market and implement those solutions in Iranian market.


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