Iran Customs Rules



Live animals; animals products

1. Any reference in this Section to a particular genus or species of an animal, except where the context otherwise requires, includes a reference to the young of that genus or species.
2. Except where the context otherwise requires, throughout the Nomenclature any reference to “dried” products also covers products which have been dehydrated, evaporated or freeze-dried.

Chapter 1

Live animals

1. This chapter covers all live animals except:
(a) Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, of heading 03.01, 03.06, 03.07 or 03.08;
(b) Cultures of micro-organisms and other products of heading 30.02; and
(c) Animals of heading 95.08.

Explanatory remarks to Chapter 1

1. The importation and exportation of wild animals and birds are subject to the approval of the Environment Protection Organization.

2. The importation and exportation of live animals of any kind are subject to the observance of Article seven of the Veterinary law approved in 1971.

3. The clearance of live animals is subject to the submission of health certificate issued by the country of origin and may be carried out only through custom houses which have animal quarantine station under the Ministry of Agriculture - Jahad.

4. The importation of live animals of heading No. 01031000 to 01039200 is prohibited. (*)

5. The importation of dogs and cats is prohibited expect for research, laboratories, antisera production purposes as well as for use by the police force as trained dogs and dogs for guiding the blind, in which case the entry shall be permitted subject to the consent of the respective governmental organization.

6. Import and export of genetic transformed living creatures and transgenic products bound to save national, security and biological legal provisions with the previous authorization of Ministry of Agricultural - Jahad.

Heading, Subheading No.
Preferential Tariff
Import duty
01 01Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies




- horses:


0101 21 00

-- pure – bred breeding animals:





0101 29

-- other:


0101 29 10

--- Horse for race




0101 29 90

--- Other




0101 30 00

- Asses




0101 90 00

- Other




01 02

Live bovine animals.


- Cattle:


0102 21

-- pure – bred breeding animals:


0102 21 10

--- Milk cow




0102 21 20

--- Beef cattle


0102 21 30

--- Dual-purpose cattle


0102 21 40

---Breeding bull (daing, beef-purpose)


0102 21 90

--- Other


0102 29 00

-- other


- buffalo:


0102 31 00

-- pure – bred breeding animals




0102 39 00

-- other




0102 90 00

- Other




01 03

Live swine.



0103 10 00

- Pure-bred breeding animals



U 5

:- Other


0103 91 00

-- Weighing less than 50 kg




0103 92 00

-- Weighing 50 kg or more




01 04

.Live sheep and goats


0104 10

- Sheep:


0104 10 10

--- Purebreed producer sheep




0104 10 90

--- Other



U 5

0104 20

- Goats:


0104 20 10

--- Pure-bred breeding animals




0104 20 90

--- Other:




01 05

Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the
species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese,
turkeys and guinea fowls.



- Weighing not more than 185 g:    

0105 11

-- Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus:


0105 11 10

--- meat ancestor pullet




0105 11 20

--- mother meat pullet





0105 11 30---Ancestor' pullet laying egg  U50105 11 40--- Masther pullet laying egg  U50105 11 50--- Meat one-day pullet  U50105 11 60--- one-day pullet laying egg  U50105 11 90---Other  U200105 12 -- Turkeys:    0105 12 10ز--- Pure-bred breeding  U50105 12 20--- One day Pullet meat of turkey  U200105 12 90--- Other  U100105 13-- Ducks:    0105 13 10--- Duck Breeding one day chick  U50105 13 90--- Other  U320105 14-- Geese:    0105 14 10--- goose Breeding one day chick  U150105 14 90--- Other  U150105 15 00-- Guinea fowls  U15 -Other:    0105 94 -- Fowls of the Species Gallus domesticus:    0105 94 10--- Trading Hybird Poultry  U550105 94 20--- Laying Pullets Poultry  U550105 94 90--- Other  U550105 99 00-- Other  U55001 06Other live animals.     - Mammals:    0106 11-- Primates:    0106 11 10--- For research (medical, laboratories and
antisera production)  U50106 11 90--- Other  U200106 12-- Whales, dolphins and porpoises
(mammals of the order Cetacea); Manatees
and dugongs, (mammals of the order
sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses
(mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)    0106 12 10--- For research (medical, laboratories and antisera production)  U50106 12 90--- Other  U200106 13-- Camels and other camelids:    0106 13 10--- Purebred Breeding  U50106 13 90--- Other  U50106 14 00-- rabbits and hares  U200106 19-- Other:    0106 19 10--- Dogs and cats  U550106 19 20--- Dogs and cats for medical research and
laboratories; and for use by the police as
trained dogs and dogs for guiding  U50106 19 30--- Other for medical research and
laboratories  U50106 19 90--- Other  U200106 20- Reptiles (including snakes and turtles):    0106 20 10--- For research, (medical, laboratories and
antisera production)  U50106 20 90---Other  U20 - Birds:    0106 31-- Birds of prey:    0106 31 10--- For research, (medical, laboratories and
antisera production)  U50106 31 90--- Other  U200106 32-- Psittaciformes (including parrots,
parakeets, macaws and cockatoos):    0106 32 10--- For research, (medical, laboratories and antisera production)  U50106 32 90--- Other  U200106 33-- Ostriches;emus
(Dromaius novaehollandiae):    0106 33 10--- adult ostrich  U50106 33 20--- Dromaius (novaehollondiae)  U200106 33 30--- One – day Pullet Striches  U50106 33 90--- Other  U200106 39-- Other    0106 39 10--- For research, (medical, laboratories and antisera production)  U50106 39 20--- ornamental birds, including canaries budgies and finches  U5 - insects:    0106 41-- beese:    0106 41 10--- Colony of honey bees  U320106 41 20--- Queen of honey bees  U100106 41 30--- other  U200106 49 00--other  U200106 90- Other    0106 90 10--- For research, (medical laboratories and antisera production)  U50106 90 20--- Micro organism ingredietnt (Live
ingredients that eantral diseouse and weed)  U50106 90 90--- Other  U5/div>