Iran Customs Rules


Cocoa and cocoa preparations
Cocoa and cocoa preparations

Cocoa and cocoa preparations

Chapter 18


Cocoa and cocoa preparations




1. This Chapter does not cover the preparations of heading04.03, 19.01, 19.04, 19.05, 21.05,22.02,22.08, 30.03 or30.04.
2. Heading 18.06 includes sugar confectionery containing cocoa and, subject to Note 1 to this Chapter, other food preparations containing cocoa.

Explanatory remarks to Chapter 18

1. Importation is subject to the observance of Article 16 of the Lawon Foodstuffs and Beverages adopted in the year 1967.
2. Importation of cocoa beans and husks covered by this chapter is subject to the observance of Article 11 of the Plant ProtectionLaw adopted 


Description Remark Preferential
SUQ Import duty
1801 00 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted. - - - -
1801 00 10  --- In packings of less than 10 kg - - Kg  15
1801 00 90  --- Other - - Kg  5
1802 00 Cocoa shells, husks, skins, and other cocoa waste - - - -
1802 00 10  --- In packings of less than 10 kg - - Kg  15
1802 00 90  --- Other - 8 Kg  15
18 03  Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted. - - - -
1803 10 00  - Not defatted - - Kg  15
1803 20 00  - Wholly or partly defatted - - Kg  15
1804 00 00  Cocoa butter, fat and oil. - 8 Kg  15
1805 00 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter - - - -
1805 00 10  --- in packings of less than 10 kg - - Kg  15
1805 00 90  --- Other - - Kg  15
18 06 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa. - - - -
1806 10 00 - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter - 5 Kg  40
1806 20 00                 - Other preparations in blocks, slabs, or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular,
or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg
- 5 Kg  32
- - Other, in blocks, slabs or bars: - - - -
1806 31 00  -- Filled 1 7,5  Kg  55
1806 32 00  -- Not filled. 1 7,5  Kg  55
1806 90 00  - Other 1 7,5  Kg  55