Shaft wire or Cable is referred to as one or more wires or ropes, either together or in the form of a packet, spun or collapsible to form a single set. In mechanics, cables are used for lifting and pulling. More specifically, mechanical cables are called steel ropes or wire rods.
In electricity, they are used to drive electricity. An optical cable has one or more fiber optics in a protective cover that protects the fibers.
In the technical term, cable is said to have two ropes that are twisted together. This term also has many uses in various industries, for example, in ship-carrying vessels, in mechanics to move bulky and heavy objects. But the most common use of cable in the electric power industry is as an electronic energy transmitter.
The most important and most insulating material used in cable building over Iranian market is P.V.C (polyvinyl chloride), which is called circular beam or plastic. P.V.C is a non-flammable insulation and this is a good advantage in cables. It has a lot of flexibility which suits for marketing in Iran. Expensive mass production and simplicity of construction have led to more than 90% of low voltage cables being built up. Another type of insulator, called PET (PET), is used for cables that is a fire extinguisher and is used in specific areas. In some cables, rubber insulation is used, which is not very practical. Cable conductors are made of copper or aluminum. If you want to use a cable with an aluminum conductor for air cabling, there should be a steel string.
The history of making cable in Iranian market
Existing documents show that from the same years of the arrival of the power plant to Iranian market and exported to Iran in 1282, solar cells were bought by the same person and imported to Iranian market. In the first years of operation of electric power, usually wires with a small, white-headed rectangular headboard were installed on the walls and ceiling of the rooms and halls, and then, after using the power to start the electric motors in the workshops and factories, use more advanced cables began, and with the increasing number of workshops and factories, the arrival of cable also became more significant for marketing in Iran. On the one hand, by collecting air networks in major cities, especially in Tehran and Isfahan, and installing ground networks, low pressure and medium pressure required advanced imported cables, and electricity companies to meet various and sometimes complex needs only to overseas markets They relied on their caches, and they were packed with a variety of cables that were purchased from countless creators around the globe. The superiority of cable networks and the growing need for earth networks in cities and within the factories and workshops, economic and technical planners, and investors have led to the belief that by investing in the cable industry out of Iranian market, in addition to meeting the domestic needs of foreign exchange, it is also prevented. In the meantime, the advancement of scientific and technical progress is being promoted by the advent of advanced technology and advanced science and the establishment of specialized research bases. So, the idea of creating a cable-laying factory was created.
The current trend of cable making in Iran
The creation of cable and building factories in Iran began almost 40 years ago, although it seems that the simulation should have more background.
It is worth reminding that the term "wire" in Persian is the name of the silver metal that is easily conveyed in the form of wire. Even the term "Simoab" (mercury) is in fact composed of two words of wire and water. Meanwhile, one of the first importers Conductive wires to Iranian market was a French man who imported cable from C.EEM cable co. This abbreviation was used in French, but it was readily converted to wires in Iranian market. As a result of the previous field of the word in Iran (wire or silver), its field of application became easier and smoother than the wire, and finally a special place in the naming of conductors Electric were found.
The status of wire and cable production in Iranian market
250 companies operate in this area, with a nominal capacity of 800 thousand tons in 1993, only 300 thousand tons were produced. In the year 1993, the average value per ton of wire and cable was $ 6,600, at a rate of $ 3,400, the value of wire and cable production in Iranian market in 1993 was about 6.700 billion USD.
In 1993, 10.5 thousand tons of wire and cable, worth $ 59 million, were imported into Iran. In the fifth month of 1994, each ton of imported wires and cables decreased by about 12 percent to about $ 4,900. In the following table, the comparison of the value and weight of imports of wire and cable, as well as major exporters to Iran in the first 5 months of the first 94 and 93 is given. Iranian market has the largest imports from China in the last five months, compared to last year.
Iranian market export and import rage is ranked 108th with $ 59 million worth of revenues. The US balance of power in the cable and cable industry is $ 8.6 billion, and China's balance is $ 16.6 billion.